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A community of professionals

who learn with, develop and support colleagues across the region with a shared aim to enable the very best mathematics outcomes for pupils and students across South Yorkshire.

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  • Securing Foundations at Year 7

    The Securing Foundations at Year 7 Work Groups is a project which focuses on supporting the teachers of those Year 7 students who require additional support to secure the foundations of of understanding in maths necessary to make good progress in KS3 and beyond.

    The project is suitable for experienced or novice teachers who are interested in developing their teaching  practice to support students in securing the foundations of mathematical understanding. Teachers will explore foundational concepts and consider effective pedagogy so that their students develop a secure, deep and connected understanding of the maths they are learning. 

    This project can offer professional development and resources for secondary school maths teachers, so that they are better equipped with KS1 and KS2 maths curriculum domain-specific knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge.

    What is involved?

    Participants in this project will gain access to high quality resources designed by experts in the pedagogy and expectations of maths at KS2 and KS3. Each set of resources has a different focus, adapting the most relevant parts of the support available for KS2 teachers, so that they build on students' prior knowledge and prepare them for their study in KS3.

    Work Groups will follow a workshop – school-based work cycle. Teachers will engage with the supporting video material, attend six central online events, and attend regional cohort events, equivalent to 3 days.

    What will you learn?

    • Your students will reason, think and communicate mathematically as part of their normal experience in maths lessons

    • You will work with subject leaders to ensure flexibility in the KS3 scheme of work so that suitable adaptations can be made to ensure accessibility and progress for all students.

    • You will work as part of a professional learning community to reflect on approaches, deepen understanding about effective approaches, and refine practice

    • You will develop an understanding of pedagogic approaches consistent with teaching for mastery

    Key Details