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Mastering Number at KS2

Supporting pupils in Years 4 and 5 to develop fluency in multiplication.

Knowledge of multiplication and division and its applications forms the single most important aspect of the KS2 curriculum, and is the gateway to success at secondary school. This project enables pupils in Years 4 and 5 to develop fluency in multiplication and division facts, and a confidence and flexibility with number that exemplifies good number sense.

Who can take part?

Lead participants from schools will be two teachers, one each from Year 4 and Year 5, with support also given to subject leaders and head teachers. This programme is open to state-funded primary schools in England. 

This project is for schools that are already involved in Mastering Number at Reception and KS1, and will also be in a Sustaining Teaching for Mastery Work Group in 24/25. 

What is involved?

Lead Teachers will take part in online workshops, once a term, as well as a local session once a term with their Work Group Lead.

Professional development materials will be provided to cover five short sessions a week, with participants expected to support colleagues in their year groups to use the resources with all Year 4 and 5 classes.

There is also the expectation that participants will contribute to an online community to share practice and engage in critical reflection.

What will you learn?

  • Your pupils in KS2 will develop automaticity in multiplication and division facts through regular practice

  •  You will develop an understanding of how pupils progress in their knowledge and understanding of multiplicative concepts

  • You will work as part of a professional learning community to refine your practice

  • You and your school leaders will develop Mastering Number at KS2 as part of the curriculum in Years 4 and 5

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