The LLME (Local Leader of Maths Education) network is a group of colleagues in a community who have the capacity to offer support and development to schools usually by running a Work Group within the South Yorkshire Maths Hub.
LLME (Local Leader of Maths Education) is a generic term for a number of roles. The group of colleagues may be SLEs, consultants or maths specialists who are interested in working with other teachers in a professional development lead capacity. They may be attached to a teaching school or independent.
Essentially the Maths Hubs are looking to develop the potential and capacity of individuals in the mathematical community to support teachers beyond their own schools to develop their professional teaching knowledge & ability.
Our community of LLME's will be invited to attend meetings through the academic year, they will be offered opportunities to run a Work Group and also have the chance to take part in funded development programmes.
If you wish to register or develop as a leader of professional development beyond your school, please contact