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Strategic Board

The Strategic Board are a group of representatives from around South Yorkshire's schools, teaching schools, collages, universities and operational partners who meet three times over the academic year to oversee the running of the Hub.
The Group will give strategic advice and offer support from people with relevant specialist expertise and local knowledge.

Please find a list below of all members of the South Yorkshire Maths Hub Strategic Board;

Anne White (Chair), Improve Maths


John Coats, South Yorkshire Maths Hub

Vicki John-Lewis, South Yorkshire Maths Hub

Bryony Black, University of Sheffield

Margaret Young, National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics

Alison Burbeary, Fusion Teaching School Alliance 

Richard Kirtlan, Education and Training Foundation

Katherine Lewis-Ward, South Yorkshire Teaching Hub

Susan O'Brian, Sheffield IOE

Stephanie Barton, Exchange Teaching School Hub 

Andrea Lancaster, The Early Childhood Mathematics Group



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